“The proposal would introduce highly prominent features into an existing pastoral and agricultural environment.”
Last autumn, owners of Boswell Farm, Sidford, wanted to develop a caravan park – but were met with overwhelming opposition on several grounds: Unsustainable tourism in the Sid Valley: caravan park rejected – Vision Group for Sidmouth
As can be seen here on the District Council’s planning pages: 22/2297/FUL | Change of use of land to camping and caravanning site for 16no. pitches for either caravans or campervans and separate area for camping; the widening and improvement of existing access and associated hardstanding and toilet/shower block | Land North Of Boswell Farm Cottages Under Lane Sidmouth
Looking at the documents on that planning page, the decision has now been made by the District Council – and that is to refuse the application:
The Council hereby refuses permission to carry out the development described in the application and the plans attached thereto for the following reasons:
1. The proposal would introduce highly prominent features into an existing pastoral and agricultural environment in the form of gravel tracks, concrete hardstandings, vehicles, caravans, campervans and tents together with the retention of the shower/toilet block structure…
2. The proposed development would result in the loss of a significant area of best and most versatile agricultural land, classified Grade 2…
3. The application fails to provide an appropriate mechanism to secure a contribution towards measures to mitigate the effects of recreational use of the East Devon Pebblebed Heaths Special Protection Area and Special Area of Conservation by prospective users of the caravanning and camping site…
The applicants have six months to appeal.
The Herald carries the story: Planning permission refused for Boswell Farm campsite | Sidmouth Herald
This photo was contributed to the Herald – and shows “the planning application notice at the Boswell Farm site”
Planning permission refused for Boswell Farm campsite | Sidmouth Herald