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What’s the future of work in the Sid Valley?

  • by JW

‘Rethink’ @ BBC Radio 4


Are more of us working from home in the Sid Valley?

How is our mental well-being at work these days?

How do you feel the world of work is changing for you and for Devon?

Are Sidmouth and the South West good places to work and to do business?

And, finally, to what extent is ‘the great resignation’ affecting you?

BBC Radio 4 ‘Rethink’ series has been looking at just these questions and more on the world of work this week.

Starting with the ‘work revolution’: A revolution in the labour market. What is driving mass joblessness, mass worker shortages, and mass immigration? Amol Rajan discusses with a panel of experts.

Today’s programme was on ‘working culture’: Are new patterns and ways of working becoming embedded?

And the last one tomorrow looks at ‘jobs of the future’: What is the future of work? How will new technologies like AI reshape the labour market?

Should be interesting!