The group campaigning against the proposed business park in Sidford have been providing regular updates on the current appeal process:
Sidford Business Park > Campaign Update 28
Sidford Business Park > Campaign Update 29
Here’e their latest – and their website photo:
Campaign Update
We trust that everyone is enjoying the good weather!
A reminder that the Planning Inquiry into the appeal that the applicants who are seeking to build a Business Park in Sidford commences on Tuesday 16 July.
The Inquiry has been scheduled to last up to three days and will commence at 10.00 am at the East Devon District Council Offices on the Heathpark industrial estate in Honiton. The full address of the offices is – Blackdown House, Border Road, Heathpark Industrial Estate, Honiton, EX14 1EJ. Click on this link to find where the offices are located (Google Maps).
Because of the extremely limited parking at Blackdown House and the fact that accessing the offices by bus might be a challenge for some people we have decided not to call for a demonstration outside the Inquiry. We know that many people were wanting to show their opposition to the Business Park by demonstrating but unfortunately we feel that logistically doing so on what will be a full working day for the Council wouldn’t work.
However, as there will be space in the Inquiry for up to about 100 members of the public to sit and observe the proceedings we would encourage you to come along and hear the proceedings. Some of the members of the Steering Group will be registering to speak at the Inquiry and this is also open to members of the public to do although we understand that in order to do this you need to register at the start of proceedings on 16 July.
We look forward to seeing some of you at the Inquiry.
Best wishes
Campaign Team
SayNOtoSidfordBusinessPark (@say_oto) on Twitter
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